Monday, September 28, 2009

It's not awesome

The Bagyong Ondoy was not awesome at all.

It wrecked havoc. Period. It's something we should be worried about.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Better blogroll

I would like to recommend this super wonderful link I found on the Internet. It's the Erin Andrews peephole. Hehehe.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Its an Awesome Planet

I hope everything will go this way.

Grey's Anatomy S06E01 torrent is very exciting but sadly George is already dead.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hey man, listen to this. Last night, I fell in love without you.

Freaky. Oh well. Enough of those shot. I am really dozing off. Oh no. SHOULD NOT SLEEP or else I will miss the UFC 103 Live Stream. That's just unacceptable!

and thats how you do it

Bazzinga is a word popularized by sheldon in the series BigBang.. whoa, bang bang bang right, watch UFC 103 Live Stream and your bang bang will be bazzinga. hell, i dont even know what bazzinga mean, if some does know what it means, please tell. thank you

Monday, September 14, 2009


I revisited a memory.

I wrestled among the crowd just to get a glimpse of your face. I had been head over heels with you since god-knows-when. You were more than everything I had been looking forward to see all month, waaaaay anticipated than Marquez vs Mayweather fight.

My world stopped to take a glimpse of you.

Friday, August 28, 2009

You call yourself right?

Reading my friend's status, I knew immediately that it was supposed to be a joke, a tagline of sorts. Unfortunately, it has been sensationally misinterpreted by self-righteous individuals as demeaning and inappropriate. The world and all its twisted people who can't seem to respect and recognize opinion. Dim-witted beings! On a lighter note, I learned my filthy lesson on privacy so I'll leave you with my insight today. UFC 102 live is up and about and I just can't wait!

Disappointing Preference

Our taste and preference set us apart from others. No matter how hard we try, these differences will arise in one point or another. Now, it makes me think that these things come out innate to each of us. Take one instance, I know someone who has 'transformed' into a one-of-the-boys type of girl. Despite trying to fit in, she still can't force herself to watch UFC 102 Live. Well, I think that's just too unfortunate.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saving on Recession

I slept all day and my friends think I am a slack. Little do they know what I'm prepping for. Most of the people I know aren't even aware of UFC. And I believe they're missing out on a lot of things. And since I don't wanna miss out on this, I slept my way till the sun waved goodbye just to watch the UFC 101 Fight Video.


All the while that I was bending over backwards for this degree, I realised that no one can ever cheat sleep. And it's all a matter of time to take effect.